BLUE supports you with the production of a full suite of traditional print advertising and other original print assets, including posters, wallpaper, brochures, stationery, white papers and reports, event design, signage and branded promotional items. Here are three examples we are proud to have produced:
Norvic Shipping – Campaign to 'Make Shipping Straight Forward'
Tomini – Campaign to 'Delivering on our word'. The headline creative concept was used across all forms of media – it easily fitted our requirements and empowered everyone involved in the process. These headlines appeared across all digital assets, as well as on posters at events and through brochures and PPT meetings.
UKP&I – Creating a simple concept that was adaptable and campaignable across all forms of media. Print and posters are perfect for this concept, big bold headlines with short to the point support copy. No waffle.
UKP&I – A true poster. Running at a Shipping Insurance Indemnity events, this poster takes the lead and drives the arrivals to the UKP&I stand to talk insurance ... 
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